How To Prepare Your Dog for a Professional Photoshoot.

Studio1000’s Unique Photoshoot Experience isn’t just for people, our signature package is also designed for your pets as well!

Here’s how we’ll capture your dog’s unique portrait.

Professional Pooch Photography

As portrait photography experts, our Photographers and Stylists pride themselves on getting to know our human clients prior to their sessions. By gaining an insight into people’s personalities, we’re able to better grasp our customers’ unique back-stories helping us know what to place emphasis on, and what to avoid during their shoot.

Our warming approach tells us how to best communicate instructions to a diverse range of individuals whiling aiming to create stunning art.

We use these same techniques when photographing your dreamy-eyed doggos!

When pets are energetic, we prepare for a fast-paced and unpredictable shoot. If your pet enjoys lounging around, we always have a few treats ready to get their attention and put on the show we’re opting for that makes family photoshoots truly incredible.

But thankfully, dogs are generally comfortable in the presence of their owners, and capturing this authentic connection always feels special.

From fashioning backdrops to styling pooches and delivering artwork that makes our images pop, we’ve enjoyed learning how to create amazing dog portrait photography for the better part of 20 years!

In this edition of studio chats, we discuss our best tips on how you can help prepare your dog for a Unique Photoshoot Experience at Studio1000.

Bathing & Grooming

Keeping your dog looking and smelling fresh is a sure-fire way of guaranteeing they’re at their best when you arrive. A bathe and a clip a couple of days before the shoot should do the trick.

Spend a bit more time on sprucing up the head and eye areas as these are usually the forefront of a doggie photo.

Practise Commands

Schedule a little pre-game time with your doggo to practise basic commands as a ‘refresher’ to remind your pet who’s still in charge. Practise sitting, staying and maybe even disciplining your dog for a smoother-running shoot day.

It might also be wise to brush up on those new tricks you taught them a while ago. Being able to capture tricks and behaviour distinctive to your pet is always a good start to the day.

Items to Bring on the Day

Packing a day bag full of goodies ensures you can get your pet to behave in the interest of the shoot for the entire day. Here’s a checklist to save you some time:

  • A variety of treats

  • Their favourite toys

  • Doggie Bags (Waste Bags)

  • A reliable, undamaged collar and lead

  • Grooming brush and other instruments for quick touch-ups

  • Water bowl


Pondering your pooch’s shoot outfit (or perhaps you want several) and organising it well in advance makes life just that much easier.

Allow us to recommend Swanky Paws! – A local supplier and proud partner of Studio1000 specialising in doggie fashion for photoshoots.

Swanky Paws have styled many of our doggie photo shoots and offer a range of custom fashion for all types of pooches.

Check Out our Annual Charity Book

Each year Studio1000 pairs up with Swanky Paws to create our annual Swanky Paws Charity book raising money for RSPCA NSW – a collaboration dressing up and photographing 100+ gorgeous dogs in outrageous fashion. You may even have seen us featured in the Daily Telegraph and Australian Dog Lover magazine.

Want to register your doggo for our next project? Register your interest here>

Arrive a Little Earlier

Come and see us a bit before we begin to give your dog the chance to sniff, run, tumble and jump around a little to familiarise them with their temporary surroundings, as well as us with them.

A relaxed pup is a happy pup. And a happy pup makes incredibly superb photos!

Be Prepared to Assist

Your pet knows no one better than you, that’s why it’s important to be ready to offer a bit of guidance should we need it to direct the shoot more effectively.

Sometimes we’ll require your assistance in helping your pet focus on us, stay in a particular spot or perform their tricks upon command. Remember this is really an opportunity for you to be involved and coordinate the lifelong memories you’ll forever have post shoot day, so don’t forget to revel in this part!

Rest Up

This one’s for you. Catching plenty of Z’s and trying not to do anything too strenuous the night before the shoot is vital for things to run smoothly the following day.

While shoot day is designed to be fun, pets often add an extra element of playfulness and uncertainty, thus requiring a little more energy from everyone to match their high activity needs.

Trust us, have an early night and it’ll be worth it in the morning!

Let’s Do It!

As you can see, prepping your pooch doesn’t have to be a chore. In fact, it’s almost half the fun!

Follow these handy tips and we guarantee an amazing shoot day awaits you and your pet you’ll never forget.

Explore our website to view our recent blog articles and further details regarding our packages.

Talk to an expert today to discuss organising your next doggie photoshoot or to chat about all other Unique Photoshoot Experience enquiries you may have.


What does a Studio1000 Photoshoot Entail: Behind the Scenes with the Unique Photoshoot Experience Team


The Swanky Paws Charity Book Project.